Contains Sulfites, Contiene solfiti, Enthält Sulfite, Contient des sulfites, Bevat Sulfieten, Indeholder Sulfitter, Innehaller Sulfiter
13,90 €
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100% Coda di Volpe.
Owned vineyards are situated in the hilly area of the localities: Carazita, Piesco and Pesano in Luogosano and the locality Brussineta in S. Angelo all’Esca. Altitude: 300-490 m s.l.m.
300 – 490 metri s.l.m
Clayey-sandy with abundant volcanic elements.
Crystalline, straw yellow, bright.
Fruity bouquet with notes of yellow peach, pineapple and banana as well as aromatic herbs.
Intense, deep and very persistent.
Via Francesco de Sanctis,
83050 Sant’Angelo All’Esca AV
Tenuta Cavalier Pepe società agricola srl | P.IVA 02595130648 | Via Roma 42, 83040 Luogosano (AV)